Wednesday, 31 March 2010

"Socrates learned to dance when he was seventy because he felt that an essential part of himself had been neglected"

(Sorry I got this picture a long time ago and don't remeber the source)

Pictures of beautiful dancers like this always turn me on

Several people have asked me questions like "You do ballet?" or "You look like a ballet dancer when you dance" even though I have no ballet background whatsoever. Everytime I was like: Yayyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!, simply because I've loved to be able to dance on pointe all my life.

Lots of my dancer idols went through serious ballet training, starting as soon as they could literally walk. Some of my coaches also have ballet background and have danced for ages. I don't. My partner and my ex partners don't. Dancing was like something magical but only known to us when we were no longer kids with flexible muscles.

Jealous? Yes! But how early you start dancing doesn't really matter, it's how much you dedicate your time to it that counts. I love all styles of dance and can never get enough of them. Hope that's enough.

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